we are
USING technology to create Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

who we ARE
CodeBlue Ventures deals with complicated issues, so of course our people are complicated. Not complicated to deal with, just….well, it’s complicated. But we’re awesome and we love what we do.
Because we are complicated, so is our software. But only the guts of the software. What our clients see is simple and beautiful. Just like us. Simple because our needs are simple- RedBull and creating solutions. Beautiful because, well, have you met us?
We like the color blue. Can you tell? Our designers for Zunta ignored our “make it blue instructions.”
We’re rebels (see previous paragraph). We ignore the doubters and we change what “can’t be changed.”

What we DO
We Merge the complexity of function and beauty of form. we create powerful, user-centric saas solutions that minimize repetitive tasks and deliver results.
In simple English, we don’t just create software to solve problems, but to advance industries beyond what anyone thought possible.
No software is perfect, but we test and test and test again until we get really really close. Then we do it some more. Perfection is our goal.

HOW We Do Things
We simplify complicated things. Just like software at its core, is a set of 1’s and 0’s, our approach is to turn everything a client deals with into the question of “Done” or “Not Done.”
We love understanding people and translating that knowledge into creating a software that will optimize the efficiency of our users.
The beauty of our products is of paramount importance. We want our customers to be excited and to enjoy using our products.